Michael Beck
Went to Texas A&M from Robinson, cramming 4 years into 4 1/2, graduating in the summer of '66. Entered pilot training in December and retired in 1990 at Eglin AFB up near Pensacola in the Panhandle. Am living nearby still, by myself, on the shore of East Bay in Navarre.

Went through mid-life “break-through” 1994-2004 (slow learner). Ended up making Native American and west African drums and doing workshops around the country during that time. Who would have thunk it?
Still have a business card that says, “Grandfather Drums” on it, though I'm at the end of the hand-creating adventure and doing mostly rhythm workshops when I do anything at all along those lines.

As I write this, towards the end of the summer '09, I'm on Herron Island in the Pacific NW at a friend's cabin while she is in Tazmania reflecting and re-energizing. My youngest daughter lives nearby in Seattle. I'll be back in the thick of it, meaning hot, steamy NW FL in a few weeks.

What an amazing journey it has been since Monroe Jr Hi, varsity sports at the newest high school in the county, sneaking into the Dale Mabry Drive-in, cruising the Colonade and the ancient art of going steady . I wonder if coulots well every make a comeback? Bettcha those guys at Decca are still kicking themselves for not signing those long-haired delinquents from England to a record contract.
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